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7 Signs It's Time to Get Dental Care in Tacoma

Brian Berg • Mar 04, 2024
dental care in Tacoma

Maintaining good oral health through dental care is essential for overall well-being, but sometimes it's easy to overlook the signs that indicate a visit to the dentist is necessary. Whether you're experiencing tooth pain, changes in your gums, or simply overdue for a check-up, recognizing these signs can help you stay on top of your dental health. In this blog post, we'll explore seven common signs that it's time to seek dental care in Tacoma.

1. Tooth Pain or Sensitivity

One of the most obvious signs that it's time to visit the dentist is tooth pain or sensitivity. Whether it's a persistent ache, sharp pain when biting down, or sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, tooth pain should never be ignored. It could indicate a variety of issues, including tooth decay, a cracked tooth, or an infection, all of which require prompt dental attention to prevent further damage.

2. Bleeding Gums

If you notice bleeding gums when brushing or flossing, it could be a sign of gum disease, such as gingivitis or periodontitis. Gum disease is a common condition that can lead to serious oral health problems if left untreated, including tooth loss and bone damage. Seeing your dentist for regular cleanings and check-ups can help prevent gum disease or catch it early when it's most easily treated.

3. Persistent Bad Breath

While occasional bad breath is normal, persistent bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be a sign of an underlying dental issue. It may indicate the presence of bacteria in the mouth, gum disease, or even an infection. Your dentist can help identify the cause of your bad breath and recommend appropriate treatment to address the underlying problem.

4. Loose or Missing Teeth

If you have loose teeth or notice that a tooth is missing, it's important to see your dentist right away. Loose teeth can be a sign of advanced gum disease or other oral health issues, while a missing tooth can affect your bite, speech, and overall dental health. Your dentist can assess the situation and recommend the best course of action to restore your smile.

5. Changes in Your Bite

If you experience sudden changes in your bite, such as difficulty chewing or discomfort when biting down, it could be a sign of an underlying dental problem. Changes in your bite can be caused by issues such as tooth decay, gum disease, or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. Your dentist can evaluate your bite and recommend appropriate treatment to address any underlying issues.

6. Persistent Dry Mouth

Having a dry mouth from time to time is normal, but if you experience persistent dryness, it could be a sign of an underlying dental issue or a side effect of certain medications. Chronic dry mouth can increase your risk of tooth decay and gum disease, so it's important to discuss your symptoms with your dentist. They can help identify the cause of your dry mouth and recommend appropriate treatment to keep your mouth healthy and hydrated.

7. Jaw Pain or Clicking

Jaw pain, clicking, or popping when opening and closing your mouth can be signs of TMJ disorder, a condition that affects the temporomandibular joint. TMJ disorder can cause discomfort, difficulty chewing, and even headaches or earaches. If you experience any of these symptoms, it's important to see your dentist for an evaluation. They can recommend treatments to help alleviate your symptoms and improve your overall oral health.

Don't Delay Essential Dental Care

Recognizing the signs that it's time to seek dental care in Tacoma is essential for maintaining good oral health and preventing serious dental issues. Whether you're experiencing tooth pain, bleeding gums, or changes in your bite, don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with your dentist. By addressing dental problems early, you can avoid more extensive treatments and keep your smile healthy for years to come.

Top image used under CC0 Public Domain license . Image cropped and modified from original.
The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.
By Brian Berg 01 May, 2024
When it comes to maintaining our overall health, dental care often takes a backseat, yet it is a crucial component of our health regimen. At Berg Dental Group in Tacoma, we understand the importance of comprehensive dental care . Dr. Brian Berg, our dedicated dentist, emphasizes not just the aesthetic benefits but also the profound impact good oral health has on one's overall well-being. Here are the top eight benefits of getting good dental care. 1. Prevention of Dental Diseases Regular dental check-ups are crucial in maintaining oral health and preventing a range of dental diseases. At Berg Dental Group in Tacoma, we emphasize the importance of preventative care to identify and treat issues such as cavities, gum disease, and even early signs of oral cancer before they develop into more serious conditions. Early detection through routine examinations, X-rays, and cleanings can prevent the progression of decay and disease, saving patients from complicated procedures in the future. Dr. Brian Berg and his team also provide personalized advice on daily dental care routines that help in maintaining strong teeth and healthy gums. This approach ensures that our patients in Tacoma not only keep their natural teeth for longer but also reduce the risk of painful and expensive dental emergencies. 2. Enhancement of Overall Health There is a well-documented link between oral health and general health. Conditions like heart disease and diabetes have been connected to dental health. By maintaining good oral hygiene and regular visits to our clinic, you are not just taking care of your mouth but also supporting your broader health goals. 3. Improvement in Digestion Digestion starts in the mouth, where the first step of breaking down food occurs. Healthy teeth and gums are essential for proper chewing and saliva production, which are crucial for the initial breakdown of food particles. If teeth are misaligned, decayed, or missing, it can lead to insufficient chewing, impacting the digestion and absorption of nutrients. Dr. Berg focuses on restorative services such as fillings, crowns, and dental implants to ensure that each patient can chew properly without discomfort. Moreover, regular dental check-ups at Berg Dental Group help in maintaining optimal oral health, which supports the digestive process. By ensuring that our patients have access to comprehensive dental care, we aid in improving their overall digestive health, which is essential for good nutrition and well-being. 4. Boost in Self-Esteem and Confidence A bright and healthy smile can significantly boost your confidence. Residents of Tacoma can rely on Berg Dental Group for cosmetic and therapeutic treatments that enhance their smiles. From teeth whitening to orthodontics, we provide a range of services that improve the appearance of your teeth and boost your self-esteem. 5. Reduction of Bad Breath Chronic bad breath can be embarrassing and socially inhibiting. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings at Berg Dental Group help control and eliminate the bacteria that contribute to bad breath, ensuring that you have fresh breath, boosting your confidence to communicate freely. 6. Cost Savings Preventative dental care is cost-effective in the long run. By visiting Berg Dental Group regularly, Tacoma residents can avoid costly dental procedures that might be necessary to treat advanced conditions. Regular check-ups and maintenance help keep your dental bills lower. 7. Improved Quality of Life Oral pain and dental issues can significantly affect your quality of life, from causing pain while eating to impacting your sleep and concentration. Regular dental care ensures that you are free from discomfort and able to enjoy life to its fullest. Dr. Berg is committed to providing pain-management solutions and addressing dental issues promptly to improve the lives of his patients in Tacoma. 8. Professional Dental Care and Advice By choosing Berg Dental Group, you benefit from professional dental care tailored to your specific needs. Dr. Brian Berg and his team not only treat dental issues but also educate patients on the best practices for maintaining oral health at home. This personalized care approach ensures that each patient understands how to take care of their dental health between visits. We Look Forward to Your Next Appointment At Berg Dental Group, Dr. Brian Berg is dedicated to providing his patients with the highest quality dental services. From preventative care to complex dental procedures, the benefits of choosing professional dental care are clear. Not only will it help you maintain a healthy and attractive smile, but it will also contribute to your overall health and well-being. Visit us to experience comprehensive dental care that sets you on the path to a healthier life. Remember, investing in your dental health is investing in your future. Schedule your next appointment with Berg Dental Group in Tacoma today, and take the first step towards enjoying the many benefits of good dental care. Your smile deserves the best, and so do you. Top image used under CC0 Public Domain license . Image cropped and modified from original. The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.
Tacoma Dentist
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By Brian Berg 30 Nov, 2023
Berg Dental Group | Dentist in Tacoma As the year winds down and the festive season ramps up, it's easy to overlook a crucial aspect of your well-being: your dental insurance benefits. At Berg Dental Group, your premier dentist in Tacoma, Washington , we highlight the importance of optimizing these benefits before they vanish at the year's end. Unpacking Your Dental Benefits Before diving into the significance of maximizing these benefits, let's unpack what they entail. Dental benefits encompass an array of treatments and services pivotal to your dental insurance policy, dedicated to upholding and preserving your oral health. Coverage Tailored to Tacoma Residents At Berg Dental Group in Tacoma , dental insurance plans cover a comprehensive spectrum of dental treatments. From routine preventive care like regular dental cleanings and check-ups to crucial restorative procedures such as fillings, root canals, and crowns, our services extend to oral surgeries and orthodontic treatments like braces, Invisalign, and bridges. However, elective or cosmetic treatments, such as teeth whitening or purely aesthetic crowns , might fall outside the coverage of your insurance plan. Understanding Your Maximum Benefit Your monthly premium investment in dental insurance culminates in coverage up to a specified limit known as your annual maximum. As the year-end approaches, this maximum resets, nullifying any unused benefits from the previous year. Essentially, it's a 'use it or lose it' scenario. To prevent losing out, scheduling and attending your routine dental check-ups is vital to make the most of your insurance benefits. Decoding Your Insurance Deductible Your insurance deductible represents the out-of-pocket expense you're responsible for before your insurance coverage activates. This amount can vary across different insurance plans. Most plans adopt a structure, often denoted as 100-80-50, outlining the insurer's contribution to various dental services. This structure ensures that preventive care is fully covered at 100%, basic treatments at 80%, and significant dental procedures at 50%, allowing you to plan your dental care strategically. 100% Coverage on Preventive Dental Services One of the remarkable facets of dental insurance lies in its strong emphasis on preventive care , ensuring comprehensive coverage for specific preventive procedures, often enabling biannual visits for maximum oral health maintenance. These inclusive benefits cover extensive services critical to sustaining oral well-being. Among these are professional teeth cleaning sessions, which not only rid your teeth of plaque and tartar but also aid in preventing gum disease and maintaining optimal oral hygiene. Moreover, our comprehensive dental exams go beyond mere cavity checks; they encompass thorough assessments of soft tissues within the mouth, diligently examining for signs of oral cancer or any abnormalities that might require attention. Additionally, including dental X-rays in these covered services plays a pivotal role in detecting hidden dental issues that might otherwise go unnoticed, allowing for timely intervention and treatment to prevent potential complications. This focus on preventive care not only safeguards your oral health but also maximizes the benefits of your insurance coverage, promoting long-term dental wellness and cost-effective care. Act Now: Visit Berg Dental Group, Your Dentist in Tacoma We strongly advocate seizing the opportunity to maximize your dental insurance benefits before the year draws to a close. Schedule a visit to Berg Dental Group, your trusted Tacoma dentist , guided by our seasoned team. We are dedicated to helping you maintain a healthy, radiant smile while ensuring you get the most out of your dental insurance. Don't wait; book your appointment today to safeguard your investment in oral health.
By Brian Berg 29 Sep, 2023
PEOPLE MIGHT NEED to find a new dentist in Tacoma for all sorts of reasons, so they wonder “how do I find a great dentist near me?” Maybe they just moved to the area. Maybe their old dentist retired. Maybe they’re new parents and need to find a dentist for their child. Whatever the reason is, we recommend not waiting until an urgent dental health emergency pops up before finding a dentist that fits your needs. Here are five important factors to keep in mind when searching for the best dentist for you. 1. Location, Location, Location! How close is the Tacoma dental practice to your home? To your child’s school or where they play sports? To your workplace? Make sure the distance isn’t so great that making it to twice-yearly checkups will become a major inconvenience. It’s a good idea to decide on a radius that seems doable for you and your family, then determine who the best dentist is within that radius. On the other hand, there might be a dentist slightly farther away who is still worth it for other reasons! 2. Which Dentist Near Me Has a Great Reputation? What kind of reviews does the dentist have? What are their other patients saying about them? Check out the Yelp and Google reviews and maybe ask around your neighborhood, coworkers, and friend group to see if anyone you know is familiar with that particular dentist. While there can sometimes be hidden gems, a lot of good feedback is generally a positive sign. 3. What Specialties Can They Claim? A dental practice that operates close to you and has fantastic reviews might still not be right for you if they don’t offer some of the services you think you’re likely to need. How good are they with child patients? Do they offer cosmetic treatments ? How much experience do they have with root canal therapy or treating gum disease? Do some research into a dentist’s specialties to see if they’re a good fit. 4. How Well Do They Fit Your Budget? Sometimes a dentist’s only flaw is the cost of their services in comparison to your budget, or that they aren’t in your dental insurance network. It’s still important to find a dentist for regular appointments in this case, because those checkups are much easier on a budget than a serious dental problem that could’ve been caught and treated cheaply in an early stage. Finding a budget-friendly dentist is an excellent investment, both financially and in terms of dental health. 5. Patient Comfort If you aren’t comfortable around a dentist or within their practice, then the other factors might not matter much to you. It’s a good idea to pay a practice you’re considering an early visit just to get a sense of the place and the staff. A good dentist will always prioritize patient comfort, especially considering how many patients struggle with dental anxiety! Meanwhile, keep up those oral hygiene habits! We Look Forward to Meeting You! If you've been asking "how can I find a great dentist near me?" and weren’t sure where to start looking in Tacoma, we hope we’ve given you a few ideas of where to begin! If you want to learn more about our practice, just give us a call or stop by. Make sure to get directions before you head our way. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have!2a7abd Thank you for trusting us with your dental health needs! Top image used under CC0 Public Domain license . Image cropped and modified from original. The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.
finding a great dentist in tacoma
By Brian Berg 08 Sep, 2023
People in Tacoma might need to find a new dentist for all sorts of reasons. Maybe they just moved into the area. Maybe their…
By Brian Berg 29 Jul, 2023
A GOOD-LOOKING SMILE with white, even teeth to make a cosmetic dentist proud is a major confidence booster, whether you’re going on a date or sitting down for a job interview. The widespread desire for whiter teeth in today’s society, combined with internet culture, has given rise to a number of popular do-it-yourself teeth whitening methods. While these might seem like great life hacks to try, many of them can actually do serious damage to our teeth. Common DIY Whitening Trends Over the last couple of years, you’ve probably heard about some of these trendy teeth-whitening approaches, such as activated charcoal, lemon juice, and oil pulling. Oil pulling is an ancient folk remedy, but there is no scientific evidence to back up the claims about its health benefits. Lemon juice is absolutely a bad idea because you’re essentially applying a strong acid directly to your teeth. Tooth enamel is highly vulnerable to acid, and enamel loss is permanent. Activated charcoal might be able to absorb stains and toxins, but those benefits are debatable when it comes to teeth, because charcoal is also abrasive, so it could be scraping away enamel even as it removes stains. Hold off on buying that tube of charcoal toothpaste until you see the ADA Seal of Acceptance, and definitely don’t mix up your own. What About Peroxide and Baking Soda? Another recent DIY whitening trend for avoiding professional treatment from the cosmetic dentist is using the baking soda in the pantry and the hydrogen peroxide in the medicine cabinet to bleach teeth. The reasoning behind this idea is that hydrogen peroxide is used in professional whitening and baking soda is present in many ADA-approved whitening toothpastes, and both have proven to be effective at removing stains. While it is true that peroxide and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) are used in professional and cosmetic dentist-approved whitening products, that doesn’t mean these are safe chemicals to apply to our teeth however we want. There is a delicate balance between using too little, which won’t produce much of a whitening effect and using too much, which can damage the enamel and the soft tissues of the mouth. Only dental professionals have the knowledge, training, and materials needed to strike that balance. Come to the Right Place for Whitening Your teeth will thank you if you put your trust in your Tacoma cosmetic dentist for your whitening needs rather than trying something risky at home, so bring your teeth whitening questions with you to your next appointment. Together, we can make a plan for how best to whiten your smile. In the meantime, the best things you can do to keep your smile healthy and bright are to keep up with your daily brushing and flossing habits, avoid foods and drinks that can stain your teeth, and don’t smoke. We’re here to help you get the smile of your dreams! Top image by Flickr user Rupert Taylor-Price used under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 license. Image cropped and modified from original. The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.
By MSP 29 Jun, 2023
Are you looking to enhance your smile and boost your confidence? Look no further than Berg Dental Group, your premier cosmetic dentistry practice in Tacoma, WA. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams through a range of cosmetic dental procedures. Whether you're interested in veneers, bonding, teeth whitening, or orthodontics, we have the expertise and technology to transform your smile. Discover the benefits of cosmetic dentistry in Tacoma and take the first step towards a radiant and captivating smile. Veneers: A Flawless Solution Veneers are one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments, and for a good reason. These thin, custom-made shells are crafted from high-quality porcelain and are designed to cover the front surface of your teeth. Veneers can address a multitude of aesthetic concerns, such as chips, cracks, stains, and gaps between teeth. By adhering the veneers to your teeth, our skilled dentists can create a perfectly aligned, natural-looking smile that will make heads turn. With veneers, you can confidently display a flawless smile and enjoy a boost in self-esteem. Bonding: Repair and Restore If you have minor cosmetic dental issues like chips, cracks, or gaps, dental bonding can be an excellent solution for you. This procedure involves applying a tooth-colored composite resin material to the affected teeth and then shaping and polishing it to achieve a seamless result. Bonding is a quick and cost-effective cosmetic dentistry treatment that can dramatically improve the appearance of your teeth. Not only does bonding restore the aesthetics of your smile, but it also strengthens the tooth structure and provides added protection against further damage. Experience the transformative power of dental bonding and regain your smile's beauty. Teeth Whitening: Radiant and Confident Over time, our teeth can become stained and discolored due to various factors, such as aging, certain foods and drinks, and tobacco use. Fortunately, teeth whitening can effectively combat these stains and restore the brightness of your smile . At Berg Dental Group, we offer professional teeth whitening treatments that are safe, effective, and tailored to your unique needs. Our in-office whitening treatments and take-home kits utilize advanced technology to achieve stunning results. By erasing years of stains and discoloration, teeth whitening can leave you with a radiant, confident smile that lights up any room. Orthodontics: Straighten Your Teeth, Enhance Your Life Crooked or misaligned teeth can not only affect the aesthetics of your smile but also impact your oral health and overall well-being. Thankfully, orthodontic treatments can correct these issues and give you a beautifully aligned smile. We offer various orthodontic options, including traditional braces and innovative clear aligner systems like Invisalign. Our skilled orthodontists will evaluate your unique case and recommend the most suitable treatment for you. By straightening your teeth, orthodontics can improve your bite, enhance your oral hygiene, and boost your self-confidence. Say goodbye to misaligned teeth and hello to a captivating smile. The Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry in Tacoma Choosing cosmetic dentistry at Berg Dental Group in Tacoma comes with a range of benefits that go beyond just aesthetic improvements. Here are a few advantages of investing in cosmetic dental procedures: Enhanced Confidence: A beautiful smile can have a profound impact on your self-esteem and confidence. Cosmetic dentistry allows you to feel more comfortable and proud of your smile, boosting your overall self-confidence in social and professional settings. Improved Oral Health: Many cosmetic dental procedures not only enhance the appearance of your smile but also improve your oral health. Treatments like veneers, bonding, and orthodontics can correct structural issues, making it easier to maintain proper oral hygiene and reducing the risk of dental problems in the future. Long-lasting Results: Cosmetic dentistry treatments, when performed by skilled professionals, offer long-lasting results. With proper care and maintenance, veneers, bonding, teeth whitening, and orthodontics can provide you with a stunning smile for years to come. Customized Solutions: Every smile is unique, and our experienced dentists at Berg Dental Group understand that. We take a personalized approach to cosmetic dentistry, tailoring treatments to your specific needs and goals, ensuring you receive the best possible results. Unlock Your Perfect Smile with Berg Dental Group At Berg Dental Group, we are passionate about helping our patients achieve the smiles they've always dreamed of. Our dedicated team of dental professionals in Tacoma, WA , is committed to providing exceptional cosmetic dentistry services, including veneers, bonding, teeth whitening, and orthodontics. We combine state-of-the-art technology, extensive experience, and a gentle touch to deliver stunning results that exceed expectations. Don't wait any longer to transform your smile and boost your confidence. Schedule a consultation with Berg Dental Group today and let us guide you on your journey to a radiant and captivating smile.
By Brian Berg 27 May, 2023
BECAUSE PREVENTION IS such a major part of good dental care, it’s critical to visit the dentist for regular general dentistry checkups. In most cases, two regular dental cleanings a year will be all you need, but not always. So what are the signs that you shouldn’t wait until your next scheduled appointment to come back to your dentist in Tacoma? For this blog post, we’ve listed the top five. 1. Aches of Any Kind If you’re experiencing tooth pain, that could mean a cavity has gotten to the point where the dental pulp is getting infected. Don’t tough it out thinking it’ll just go away on its own. Other types of pain you should bring to the dentist are an aching jaw and frequent headaches. These are often connected to oral health issues such as bruxism (teeth-grinding), and the dentist can help! 2. Mouth Sores and Bleeding Gums Mouth sores usually go away on their own, but they can also be a sign of infection or disease, so it’s important to get those looked at when they appear. If you notice that you’re bleeding after brushing or flossing, it’s time to come see the dentist, particularly if you’re already using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Bleeding gums are one of the first symptoms of gum disease, so don’t ignore the signs! 3. Previous Dental Work If you’ve had dental work done in the past and there’s a problem with it now, don’t wait until a regular appointment to get that fixed, because it will likely get worse. A cracked or chipped crown needs to be repaired quickly so that infection doesn’t set in. Worn-out fillings need to be replaced to prevent bacteria from thriving in the gaps between the tooth and the filling. 4. Serious Medical Concerns Serious conditions such as diabetes, eating disorders, and gum disease affect our oral health more than we realize, and sometimes the treatments have negative impacts too. Many medications cause dry mouth, which can seriously jeopardize oral health. That’s why if you are diagnosed with a chronic disease and/or have new medications prescribed to you, the team at Barbara Young DDS needs to know about it. 5. Bad Breath Few things are as mortifying as being in a social situation and realizing you have bad breath , but did you know that bad breath is sometimes a symptom of gum disease or other health problems? If you find yourself having an unusually hard time keeping your breath minty fresh, it’s a good idea to visit the dentist so we can discover the underlying cause. Keep Up Your Regular Visits! While we hope you come to see your Ogden dentist right away if you notice any of these signs, we want to reemphasize the importance of scheduling regular appointments. Most dental health problems appear gradually, and an appointment every six months is enough to catch these problems before they become serious. Thank you for trusting us to take care of all your dental concerns! Top image used under CC0 Public Domain license . Image cropped and modified from original. The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.
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